M Gusta Illustrations
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Artist: Marc M Gusta
Project: Labyrinths
Website: marcmgusta.blogspot.com

Important: Please click here to enlarge the image and see this artwork in its true glory.

I love introducing Marc’s Labyrinths, they are so very inspiring. I enjoy burying my head in his world for a while and exploring my reactions. This week brings us the Dream of Red Fruits Labyrinth. Outstanding stuff as always, Marc has taken a slightly more painterly approach with a nice water colour wash that really brings out the red fruits and enhances the dreamy landscapes and characters. Those surreal creatures really do leap out and grab you. If this is based on one of Marc’s dreams then I fear he may have been eating too much of something or other!

We invite you to drift off into Marc’s dream world, solve the puzzles and navigate your way around this surreal landscape and it’s inhabitants. Be careful not be drawn into Freddy krueger’s nightmare as you make the final dash to the real world and your waking hours.

We’ll see you in the morning. We hope!

To see more of Marc’s work, visit his website: marcmgusta.blogspot.com

Originally posted 2010-06-09 18:24:04. Republished by Blog Post Promoter