Creature loves poetry nearly as much as we love illustration. So what happens when we merge the two mediums? Find out here…

After the success of our first poetry collaboration in February, we have decided to embark on a second. Earlier this month we called out for illustrators to create a series of images to accompany 6 poems by Ju Shardlow. Ju has been a creature friend for some time. We have seen her perform her poetry on a couple of occasions and she was the poet behind 1000 poems in 24 hours, a project we covered for National poetry day last year. She is a talented word smith to say the least.

This project involves 6 poems by Ju, each illustrator was given a poem and asked to create their visual interpretation.  Part 1 gives you the first three poems with accompanying illustrations. Look out for part 2 tomorrow. We hope you enjoy the show!

Donya Todd - Brotherwood

Above: Donya Todd –

One match saves
the others from burning.
Prodded, boxed,
quivering to the nib.
“Charlie did a brave thing
for us lads”
(Chinless is suddenly
the spokesman.)
And back they go,
shunted to the string.

The calendar chimes.
Wood-bath commences
once more.
This time, Johnny,
(despite his friction)
with stiff upper stick
shall spill his lot
for his brothers.


Jes Hunt - The astounding adventures of Arthur Coatman

Above: Jes hunt –

The astounding adventures of Arthur Coatman
Series one
Episode one
Part one
Arthur gets stuck
in his own coat.


Gareth Hopkins - Inspired by David Shrigley

Above: Gareth A Hopkins –

Inspired by David Shrigley
“Fight to the death between two snails.
Snail 1 is eaten by a bird
Snail 2 is also eaten by a bird.”

The churchgoers look still, perplexed
as the vicar bows, taking his fables with him.
Edging out the pews, they vow
to forget this sin-confirming tale.

The fable is recounted later in a smoking room
but by Lord Denson to a chair.
So it was lost in time pretty quickly anyway.


Thanks to Ju Shardlow for her poetry, this art wouldn’t exist without her words. Much appreciation to the artists for your insightful interpretations. We hope this has been an interesting and enjoyable experience for you.

Part 2 tomorrow.

Originally posted 2011-03-28 10:36:48. Republished by Blog Post Promoter