Moustache Awards

Voting is now closed – We will announce the winners on Fri 9th. December.

Below are all of the moustache illustrations split into three categories. Entries are now being judged by our panel and winners will be announced soon!

NEW: The Peoples Choice Award…. An extra chance for your favourite artist to win an award. You can vote for your favourite moustache artist by leaving their name in the comments at the bottom of this page. Spread the word, tell your friends on twitter and facebook.

Moustache Characters

A character developed around a moustache.

Moustache Wearers

A face, person or animal wearing a moustache.

Moustache Theme

Images with a moustache theme. Entries that don’t fit into the above categories.

NEW: The Peoples Choice Award…. An extra chance for your favourite artist to win an award. You can vote for your favourite moustache artist by leaving their name in the comments below. Spread the word, tell your friends on twitter and facebook.

Originally posted 2011-12-01 13:41:46. Republished by Blog Post Promoter