Mulga the Artist-Barry the Magical Bison

Artists: Joel Moore
Project: Mulga’s Zombie Zoo

An Ode to Barry the Magic Bison

This bison is big, this bison is great
He’s a really nice guy, he’ll be your mate

So this is the way the stories been told
Passed through time and history and generations of old

When young in his life while roaming the plain
He stumbled upon a rainbows tail

This rainbows tail contained a pot of gold
And it’s magical powers entered his soul

He transformed from brown to many a colour
And his magical powers increased in number

He could fly like a kite and climb like a goat
Run like the wind and float like a boat

He could buzz like a bee and sing like a bird
And he soon became the king of the herd

Originally posted 2013-01-23 06:59:59. Republished by Blog Post Promoter