Artist: Tea and Crayons Collective
Tea & Crayons is an illustration collective, started in October 2010 by six like-minded and ambitious girls, all striving for a career in illustration. They are from all corners of the UK, brought together by a shared desire to challenge themselves and work together, sharing knowledge and creativity. Look out for future collaborative projects, and hopefully an exhibition or two.
Tea & Crayons is: Rachel Lewis | Rachel Clare Price | Kayleigh Bluck | Natasha Thompson | Abby Illustration | Tigerlilly Quinn
Creature loves this kind of co-operation, support and pro-activity among artists. we probably wouldn’t have discovered all these talents if they only represented themselves. It’s certainly a worthwhile endeavour, each illustrator brings their own skills, knowledge and contacts to the group, the whole collective benefits. Keep up the great work, ladies.
Head on over to to find out more about what inspires them, how they work together and most of all, check out the wonderful range of illustrative styles that make up the T&C collective.
Follow Tea & Crayons on Twitter:
Originally posted 2011-01-28 12:17:53. Republished by Blog Post Promoter