Artist: Thom Kofoed and Steven Jarvis
Project: The Inside Thoughts of Now
Image title: The day my fear of the dark began (all because of the awful thing I said to my Dad whilst eating meatballs (without the gravy))
Welcome to part 14 of “The Inside Thoughts of Now”, a collaborative project between writer Thom Kofoed and Illustrator Steven Jarvis. Click here to enlarge image
Thom says:
It’s about something I remembered the other day about one Saturday as a child. I was home alone with my Dad and, standing at the bottom of the stairs after lunch, I swore at him or said something horrible. I don’t remember why but I do remember that he was mad and I was punished. Recently I’ve been really focused on trying to remember tiny moments from my childhood that perhaps shaped the adult I became. I think this was one of them. I didn’t want to forget it again so I wrote it down and now I give it to you.
Thom Kofoed
The Inside Thoughts of Now is a collaborative project initiated by Thom Kofoed and Steven Jarvis. Thom writes and Steven draws. It works! The guys will be producing new investigations into their deepest inside thoughts and presenting them here every other week for the readers of Creaturemag.
Originally posted 2011-02-01 10:25:10. Republished by Blog Post Promoter