Thom Kofoed - Last night I dreamed of you ( a poem for Ivy Sullivan)

Artist: Thom Kofoed
Project: The Inside Thoughts of Now
Title: Last night I dreamed of you (a poem for Ivy Sullivan).

Thom says: Its called Last night I dreamed of you (a poem for Ivy Sullivan).

There’s not much to say other than I had a dream about the fictional 90210 character Ivy Sullivan that felt so real that when I woke up I sunk so completely into grey that I couldn’t do anything but let minutes tick by until the day was finished. This is my attempt at grounding it in some sort of reality.

It is Poem 51 in my ‘Poem a day’ series which you can follow on my blog:

Originally posted 2012-03-20 08:48:09. Republished by Blog Post Promoter