Artist: Yusi Chen
Project: The Black Happening
The Black Happening
A Mysterious virus is spreading around the world. It is more prone to infect the weak. The infected start to mutate depending on what they most desire, from brain capacity to physical strength and more. At the same time, love fades and evil takes its place. One by one the infected become monsters driven by their cravings, rampaging the earth.
Patient zero is a little bunny. The first symptom upon infection is discharging dark fluid. What is becoming of it? Only time will tell.
“The Black Happening” is a self-initiated project by illustrator Yusi Chen. The aim of the project is to explore the visual expression for surrealistic creature illustration; To find a good balance between the soft and the hard, the innocence and the evil, the pretty and the creepy, the cuteness and the dark in my work.
Hope you Enjoy! 😀
Originally posted 2013-10-07 20:00:43. Republished by Blog Post Promoter