Tag / creature illustrations
The Black Happening – It is happening!
Artist: Yusi Chen Project: The Black Happening Website: www.yusi.se The Black Happening A Mysterious virus is spreading around the world. It is more prone to infect the weak. The infected start to…
Creatures from ‘The Urban Jungle’ 01: Fred Tifenn
Artist: Felice Zhukov Project: Creatures from the Urban Jungle Website: www.felicezhukov.com Introducing ‘Creatures from ‘The Urban Jungle’ a series of digital drawings based on a painting series I’m currently creating called ‘The Urban Jungle‘. This…
The Black Happening — Hermit Girl
Artist: Yusi Chen Project: The Black Happening Website: www.yusi.se Upon infection, an emo school girl shuts the difficult world out of her shell. She starts to devour mean girls from school, absorb…
Creaturemag Artist Wall – For your inspiration!
Artist: All Creature artists Project: Creaturemag Artist Wall Website: creaturemag.com/creaturemag-wall/ Every piece of artwork we have ever published, for your consumption and inspiration… This special Creature wall of inspiration includes nearly 500…