Tag / Freak art
Freak in the Past
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com Freak in the past… A new Direction for David Litchfield. Originally posted 2012-05-28 08:49:17. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com Matt Witt wrote this poem and David Litchfield Illustrated it, very wonderfully too! TREE This day between days shows a different light…
Freak of the week – Freak Underwater
+ Click the image to enlarge + Click the image to enlarge Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com Creature finds this stunning, never seen anything like it. David…
Freak of the week – Ice Age freak
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com Ice Age Freak Originally posted 2012-09-10 08:28:40. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Freak of the week – Ruepert and the Red Wood Tree’s
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com For this weeks Freak of the Week, I would like to do something a bit different and exclusively share with the Creature…
Freak of the week – ‘The Wild Things’ II
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com David says: Here is my latest Wild Thing design, soon to be appearing in the stage production based on Maurice Sendak’s ‘Where The…
Merry Christmas from David Litchfield and all at Creaturemag.
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week – Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com David says: I would like to send seasonal greetings to you all the Creatures for all of their amazing support in 2012.…
Freak of the week – ‘The Wild Things’ Colouring book!
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week – The Wild Things Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com Download: wildthingcolouringbook (zip) Creatures, we have a special edition Freak of the Week this week. David Litchfield’s exclusive Wild Things…
Freak of the week – Golden Freak
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com Golden Freak. Originally posted 2012-10-01 08:00:38. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Freak of the Week: Monster Hands of Movie Land
+ Click image to enlarge Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com See how many monster hands of movie land you can name. Brilliant work and inspired concept from…
Freak of the week – ‘The Wild Things’ III
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com David says: As some of you know I have been designing characters for the theatre production of ‘The Wild Thing’s’ based on Maurice…
Freak of the week – ‘The Wild Things’
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com David says: For my next few ‘Freaks of the Week’ instalments I would like to introduce you to The Wild Things. Followers…
Yorkshire Beard Day 2013
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com David Says: ‘For this weeks Freak I would like to exclusively present to you ‘Beardy McBeard’ a character I designed to promote…
Freak of the week – ‘The Wild Things’ IV
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com David says: Just over 2 weeks until the show opens and everything is coming together nicely. Rehearsals are going great, set’s and props…
Heavy Metal Super Freak
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com Music historians will tell you that Heavy Metal was invented by the band The Kinks with the reverb heavy guitar riff that…
‘Freak In a Home Knitted Jumper’
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com David’s first freak of 2012 – ‘Freak In a Home Knitted Jumper’ David Says: “With the whole the U.K. seemingly bracing itself…