Above: Elaine Tang – www.minirice.co.uk
The next batch of 1 minute creatures for your enjoyment, we have had 40 so far. Some very original ideas here, toilet roll, Origami, Dinner plates! Whatever next? Thank you to all the artists for getting involved. And remember to tell your friends… It’s all explained here: www.creaturemag.com/one-minute-creatures.
Above: Josie Brookes – www.josiebrookes.com
Above: Alice Ralph – www.aliceralph.com
Above: Lisa Hilstrom – www.theartistdegree.com
Above: Seven KaHei – jacso.hk/7kahei
Release your inner Creature, get involved in our 1 minute Creature project. Draw a creature in one minute, send it to us and pass it on to your creative friends… It’s all explained here: www.creaturemag.com/one-minute-creatures
Originally posted 2011-03-12 09:19:44. Republished by Blog Post Promoter