Tag / illustration
Happy Friday!
Artists:Kate Eggleston Wirtz Project: Happy Friday – A new illustration every Friday. Website: http://www.eggwirtz.com Kate says: A blue guy defying gravity. A Dalí clock and snakes and things. A three-headed dog with…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday King Human
Artist: Adam Pryce Project: Happy Friday Website: www.adampryce.com King Human – ruler of the seven Seas is obsessed with humans – so much so he changed his name to Human, had…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk Yet more wrestling Bears from Ollie stone… we will soon have a whole world of wrestling bears, we could make a book,…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk Another freak fashion model from Ollie Stone. What goes on up there Ollie!? Ollie stone will soon be joined by a new…
The Grimmest Grimm – Sleeping Beauty
Artist: Toby Allen Project: The Grimmest Grimm Website: http://cargocollective.com/zestydoesthings Fairy tales were never intended to be the sickly sweet versions we know today and many of the original stories focused on grisly characters…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday The Pearock
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday The Pearock Website: adampryce.com The Pearock is a legendary flightless bird that lives in the mountains of Mexico. The Pearock colors change depending what gender they are – at last count scientists…
The Windy Voices of Love- The Elephant Fish
Artists: Gonzalo Balmaceda and Michael Powell Project: The Windy Voices of Love Website: gonzalobalmaceda.wordpress and thecloudgallery.com The Elephant Fish The Elephant Fish lives not underwater as you might expect but…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
+ Enlarge image Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk Creature loves this image by Ollie Stone. Real prehistoric! Appreciate the print effect on the fish scales and the…
Happy Friday with Kate Eggleston-Wirtz
Artist:Kate Eggleston-Wirtz Project: Happy Friday! – A new illustration every Friday. Website: www.eggwirtz.com Wishing everyone a very sunny Happy Friday with this colourful scenario from Kate Eggleston Wirtz. These are really original…
The Black Happening — Giragon
Artist: Yusi Chen Project: The Black Happening Website: www.yusi.se A giraffe is mutating under the infection of the virus. Slowly it tries to turn into a feared, respected, and worshiped mythological creature,…
Happy Friday with Kate Eggleston-Wirtz
Artist:Kate Eggleston-Wirtz Project: Happy Friday! – A new illustration every Friday. Website: www.eggwirtz.com We hope this Friday is happy for you… if not then have a look at this new illustration from…
Freak of the week with David Litchfield
Artist: David Litchfield Project: Freak of the week Website: Facebook page ‘Travelling by Beard’ Originally posted 2011-05-02 10:56:31. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Happy Friday!
Artists: Kate Eggleston-Wirtz Project: Happy Friday – New illustrations every Friday. Website: www.eggwirtz.com Celebrate a Happy Friday – Spot On! The lemon’s wearing underwear, spotty outer underwear up above two stripy thighs…
Random Bunny Strip
Artist: Chris Getliffe Project: Mean Bunny Strips every Tuesday Website: www.getliffe.com Welcome to this week’s mean bunny strip… It’s a little one, for you to have a little moment pondering over. Look…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk Brand new totally exclusive art from Ollie Stone – A new freak every Monday. Ollie is sharing this slot with his with…
Creatures of the Night – Mind Reaper
Artist: Russell Taysom Project: Creatures of the Night Website: www.rtaysom.tumblr.com Your time is up. There’s no escape from the mind reaper. Each head will pull you in a different direction until you are ripped apart…
Happy Friday!
Artists: Kate Eggleston-Wirtz Project: Happy Friday – New illustrations every Friday. Website: www.eggwirtz.com Brand new art from Kate to wish you a happy Friday. Enjoy your day. Originally posted 2011-05-13 09:33:42. Republished…
Happy Friday – with Kate Eggleston-Wirtz
Artist:Kate Eggleston-Wirtz Project:A new illustration every Friday. Website: www.eggwirtz.com HAPPY FRIDAY! Originally posted 2010-11-12 12:07:15. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Lea Vervoort – Wasim the big whale
Artist: Lea Vervoort Project: Apologue beings Website: www.leavervoort.nl Wasim the big whale, was feeling mighty and it made him giggle. Originally posted 2013-08-03 08:00:57. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Adam Pryce Happy Friday Vampire Cactus
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday Vampire Cactus Website: adampryce.com In the desert there is not a great deal to drink – especially if your a vampire cactus. The vampire cactus is very rare and very friendly……